Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

56 4nElegant and li'vely Dofcription, Iob.7.I2t z Cor.4. and. 2 Cor.6' 5 .. wayes of God, that they are.beautifull to them, they arevile to others. The Scripture often toucheth this, that whenas there is but a corn. mon knowledge, men relifh not the word, Rorn.8.theyraEt not theword: the fpirituall part oftheword croflîng them, isbitter to them. 2 Cor. 2.I 5.7heword is compared to afìveetfavour; to many it is not fo , to fume it is the / :v9our of death to death: it is a favourdiffufed through the houfe, many there are who abhorre it, and being guilty ofdeath it leader them to death : In others it is the favouroflife ; that is, they fmella fweetneífe in it, it brings them to life, to heaven ; the word being powerfully taught, there comes a favour : forne fmell fweetneffe in it, othersdoe not fo. Luk. 2.3 5ivhen Chrift fhadcome, thehearts ofmany fhall beopenedto ap- prove or difapprovehim ; thereforebe is f id tobe fit for shefall and rifingofmany So-whenhe carneforefaidbe zooms agoodman, others that he wa6a divel:forne faid that theApe les were good, forme that they werehad : See how yee approve the word in its felfe, and as it is expreffed in mens lives. Fiftly, if it bee a right knowledge; it breeds holy affe&ions ; the other loth not : this followes the other. If men juftifie the Word,then they affea it. Its agenerall rule, that all full perfwafions draw on affehions let it bee buta perfwafion is habit, , it ¡litresas thehabit is.. $ Thef,r.6. Mywordwas topisnot, in