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ofSpirituall DeathandLife. 157 in wordbat inpower,becaufestdidworkteinyouby in theholyGhofiler. 23.2 .Godcomparing the wordof trueand falfeProphets together, faith thus ; My word is asfire, andas the hammer that breaketh the lione: it is the powerful! word if it (litres your affections. Luke the laí1, Chrift fßeaking to the Difciples that went with hire to Emmaats, their' hearts burned within them: they were full ofholy affections. Confider ifyee have there holyaffedions, Holy affections in the Scriptureare afcribed to this knowledge, every where, where men heare, or know a. right:Pfal.r z 2. I . Bleffed is the man thatfeareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly is his Comman- dements. Pfal.r.2. Bleffedare they that delight in the Law ofthe Lord See whether there be holy affections wrought in you by the word. Felix Aá =c. did trembleat theword ; fo the fecond roundre- ceived theWordwith joy, but not with holy joy. But how (hall wee diftinguifh them ? Obíe . I anfwcr,that if your joy be holy joy,afflicti- nfw, ons will not put it out:if your ioy be carnal! joy, perfecution puts it out : but ioy in the holy Ghoflis notexringuifhedbythe contrary. Sixtly , that knowledge which is lively brings forth aCion ; it is power.fall in mens actions: it is active and mighty in operation, Heb.4. It workes in mens hearts and lives mightily, to overcome all contraries, Er6. o. Make theheart of thispeople fat. make their cares heavy, and(hat their eyes., leaft they f ee with L 3 their