Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

58 AnFlecgant and liTeÿ 17efcription, their eyes, andbeare with their eares,and under- Jiandwith their hearts, and convert , and bee bea, led; that is Let them have tiacha common knowledge a5 civill men and hypocrites have, and nomore; leaíl feeing,aright, they under (landwith their hearts and be converted, and they bee healed, Seeing with theireyes1 is meant feting with this knowledge which if they fee with, their heartswill be wrought on: their hearts being wrought on, they are con- verted , and then they arehealed. This fol- lowes on the other. Let the aff.2ions_be fair- red, and a &ions willforthwith foilow,becaufe they are the immediate principles ofaUion; what one affcas hee cloth; there areeyed all on oneBring: flakaffenions, flaíhyationsaeh. 6.4.5, Chrift fpeakes thusof this knowledge; They lullallbee taught ofGod ; every man there- fore that bath beard and learnedof theFather, eommeth to mee : that is, every one that heareth this true voyce of the Sonde of God, comes tome, that is, they breede anions whereby theycome to me. Secif your knowledgebee operative. tam.. I. 2 t. theApoflle diflinguitli- ing ofhearers, faith thus, Bee not hearers only but doers too ; if yee finde not this operative working change, Chrift bath not fpoken to you. Obies`i. Buteven the Saints have manydefects in their aóìions,therfore anionsfollownot hearing and I knowledge; To