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ofSpirituall Death and Life. 159 To this I anfwer, that as their ac, ions are "'mfr. weake and faint, fo their knowledge is weake. Mkt2. ), They often forget and mußbe put in mind.:s Pet.1.r 3. They muff be Jlirredup by put- ting them in remembrance of theft' things which they haveforgotten. Secondly, this faile is from foredoubt, fromfoie ¡baking within : when as you tee a defect in adons, or affeólions, it is becqufe you want this convincing know- ledge. Theway to ftirre up affection andadi. on, is the Word, which incrcafeth this opera- tive knowledge, "'Ter. If then it be fo, that thevoyceofthe Sonne f of God is the onely meanes to tranflate men from death to life , let us examineour (elves, whetherwe have heard the voyceofthe Sonne ofGod, or no Ifwe havenot, then let us know our cafes, and be humbled: they that have not heard it are dead. Confider it is your . diftina knowledge, not aknowledge ingroffe or general' , that inlivens you. Know yee the paffages andworking ofrcgeneration and re- pentance ? finde yee theVVordas fire, andas a hammer? theWord is filch !nitsowne nature, and will be found fo ofthem that receiveit a- right. Haveyean experimental) knowledge ? approve yee Gods Image, his wages in the Word , or in the lives of theSaints ; doe yee juff ifie wifedore e are yourhearts opened at the hearingof the Word ? doe ye like it ? At Chri4ls commingmany hearts were opened, L -4 becaufe