6o L:ltaant and liVtly l; ofcrrption, Ioh. Io.34. i Coe,¢. 3.4, Aa.z7.3o. becaufe thenhis Word came, and it opcncd many mens hearts, (hewed: them what they. were. How doe yeeaf eû the Word,- and I. mage of God in the lives of theSaints?how do yce realifhholy affections inthem? bleifedneffe goethalwayes with them. Affetions are al wayes a Ggneofthis life: have yee received the Wordwith them ? have yce forrowed for your iînnes , doe you delight in God ? This wil beget holyaffehionswhichwil la(f; of iái- ons will not put themout;holy joy is not dam. pedwithafidions, carnal! joy is. VVhatare your livesand a &ions ? If yee feeing others holy, cannot doe as theydoe, this voyce bath not spoken to you; All who heare Chrifts voyce will comeand be doing. ¡ato .1. az. If doing be joyned with hearing, ifyee aredo. ers as well as hearers, this voyce bath fpoken toyou, ifyourpra&ifebe not joyned, yeeare deceived.'. If yee finde upon examination that yeehavenot heard this voyceoftheSonne ofGod, remember that Chriars¡'heepe heare his voyce; yee may therefore feare yee bee loft fheepeifye heare it not. Hethat bath ancare heares the Gofpel; ¡fitbe hidden, it is hidden to thofe thatperifh; where men live in ignorance andhearenot, Godregards not it f march.: thats not the timeoftryall. So where theyhave the Word aswheatecoveredwith chaff'e, it tryetb not; but when the Wordcornmethwith antho. rity, and not as the Scribes ; when Chrilds vgyce