or Spirituali Death andLife. zvo se f u4dc in the Word fee howyet are at feaed : if then yce hea e nor. yec are dead. Cara.a.Chrifls cornning is compared time, wherein the flowers ap°eare on the earth, and the birds begin to fmg, and the trees put out their greenefruite: that is, when Chriff makes himfelfe knowne, it is Spring time : doeyou fpring when the Word comes, when the cne fages of falvation are made knowne untoyou ? Ifnot, yee aredead. Our end in fpeaking this is not to trouble you, but to bringyou tofalv'ation. Iwill therefore Thew you what .keeps men off from hearing Chriffs -voyce,thatknowingthe impediments yee may remove them. Now the impediments are fe- ven. The firft, is felfe-wifedeme ; this is a great impediment from hearing the voyce of the Sonne of God ó felfe conceitedneffe hinders menmuch, becaufe it breedsadefpifing ofthe wayesofGod. i Cor.2. r.4. The natural' man re- ceiveth not the things ofthe Spirit ofGod , for theyarefoolifline(e with him : therefore, I Car. 3. i 8. ifanyman f eme tobe zvj°e in 'the world, let himbecome afoole that be maybe wife : that is, let him lay afide that wifedome which be.- getteth pride in his heart. Michals difpofi- tion is in every one of us moreor We, gee de. fjifedDavid..: fo men chalke out a way to them- (elves, in which they will goc , they will feeke their owne wayes, and will not be fub- iet