Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

16z AnElegant and lively Defcription, jed to theLawofGod. Rom,8.7. Thecarnal' mind is enmity with God, for it is not fubiento theLaw ofGod, neyther indeedcan it be. z Cor, to. 5,the Apofile [peaking ofimaginations, faith, that men with them build up themfelves againfi God, and willnot alter their courfees. Thegrcateft oppofition is in mens minds take a man that bath a trueopinion , it is eafy to remove his Nils, but fan iudgetnents areas bulwarkes a. gaint Gods w ifedome. Men will doe thusand thus becaufc they thinke their (late is good. The Scribesand Pharifees come not to Chrifi`, Luk. 15. I. but Publicans and (inners came: fo it is withmen now doe we layopen their finnes unto them , yet theywill not bee perfwaded : men will bee righteous of themfelves, and I C will nor bee pervaded that Chrifl muflbee madeunto them righteeufneffe, andredemption, and wifédome. This opinion ofour felves is a great impediment , this contemnes the Way ofGod , and fafhions out our ownewayes; this contentingof our felves with our prefent eflate makes us to erre : thereforePfalr i 19. 21. curfed are the proud that are alwayes erring from thy Law : Selfe conceit makes men erre. The fecond impediment is cuflome : men havebeene ufed to filch vvayes, and will not alter them 106.4.12. thewomanofSamariawas ruclrheldoffwith this argument Chrifl corn + thing to teach her the doClrine offalvation Art