Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Dor rive of orti+ fcation youwere inlightned, your lustshad madeyou fooles by takingawayyour underílandings, andputting out the eie ofyour minds,but now fathion not your felvs, filarnot fin to blindyou againe,feeing younow fee. Secondly,itdothcouzen youby making largepro- ifes : ifthouwilt be awanton perfön, it will pro- rife thee much pleafure ; ifarnbitious,muchhonour; ifcovetous, much riches : nay, ifthouwiltbe fecure, careletfe,and rangeforfpirituall things,as grace,and juftification,and remifïion offins, it will make thee as largeaprofferas thedevilfometimemadeuntoChrif, ut4.4. All theft things will Dive thee, i f thouwiltfallMai, dowryandworship r ue:Sotitmay be hewill promife thee falvation andlifeeverlafting,but hewill deceivethee, for itis noneofhis tobeftow;ifhe give thee anything it fhal be that whichhepromifed not,and that is,in the end,horrorofconfcience and deflruetion. Thirdly, bypromifìng todepart whenfoever thoti wilthave it: Oh,faith finne,but givemeentertainment for this once,bebut a littlecovetous,a little proud, or atnbitious,and Iwil departwhenfoeverthou wilt have tile: But giveway unto fin in thiscafe, and thou (halt find ifwill deceive thee ; for finne hardens the heart, dulls the fenfes,and makes dead the confcience,fo that now it will not beean eafie matter todifpoffeffe finne when it hath takenpoffefïion, of the foule. It is not good to let a theefe enter into the houfe upon fuck 'conditions;therefore the Apoftlefaith,ffeb.3.23.Take heedleft any ey ohs behardened throughthedeceit fulnegeofrub;3;t3: finne;thatis,finne will promifeyou this and that, but beleeve it not,it will deceiveyou: Fourthly, in theendwhen we thinkeit Mouldbe our D friend,