7ö4 AnElegant and lively Defcription, are like other flarres. When wee fee forne men that proteffe religion to be falfe hearted, we thinkeall are fo : whereforePhi/.1. ro. The Apoítleprayes, that They might abound inall knowledge, and iudgentent todifierne ofthings that dfer ; This proximity makes us decei- ved. Fourthly, fine experiments hinder us much; fome experiments ofthe workesof God, that fhould draw us nearer to him, if wee make falfeufe of them,feparate us fartherfromhim; As ifGod afflia and reflore again; or keepe us from affliaion) our hearts are hardened. Exod, 8. 115, whenae the Froggeswere removed, Pharoahhis heartrow hardned : rell made him hardenhis heart : fo many times itmakes men !flight the word, and affliaions which God' layes on them. We may fee this inSouldi- ers andMariners; none more ready to con- rewne dangers than they, becaufe they have often efcaped; they deludethe workes of God that would draw them to falvation. Rootes will make the weeds growagaine , not being 4, ..00. 2+5. takenheed of . The longfufferingofGod&odd draw us to repentance , but it doth not fo.z.Pet. 3.3.1n the417 timeihallcome mockers waki;nz after their owne ¡a/is, and faying. Where so the promile ofhis comming? for all things continue a they were from the beginning ofthecreation; that is, men thall feele nothing, apprehend nothing that Goddoth; iudgetnents beingbe- leeved woree4.....0 POICUOINPOIOxIM*111"....