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ofSpiritual) Deathand Life leeved they fccond. the Word, being eluded, theyhinder usand it. The fiat impedi rent is ignorance; mere knownot thew ayes of God , therefore they doc not imbracethcm.Iob4. io. if thou haft knowne thegift ofGod, andwho it io that jeaketh to thee, thou wouldefl haveaeked flhim. There is enough in religion to make men love it, if theyknew it : there is vertue in'-it, these is beauty and profit in it. Ffa. 57. There is apeace in it ; allthe wages fit are wayes ofpleafntneff`e; there is honour in it 3 old age is honourablewith r,igbteoufnefe. But mens hearts are full of darkenefle i they fee not, neyther doe they underhand it. 2 Pet. 2. 12. They fiieake evil!of the things theyknownot; Its true ,they know the things , 76.¢poynrtet, they know them not expe- rimentally and really, and that deceives therm. r Core 8.2. If any man thinke hee knocveth any thing, he knoweth nothingyet ashe ought toknow. One may know .ail things, and yet know no- thing,ashehouid : Ignorancedeceives many, it makes them to meafure religion by a falfe rule, and common opinion. A7.24. 14. it is called herefy,; whenyee judgeof it by externall fhewes,.all bafeneffeis outwardly:in religion, it is as like., eddy thing covered with draw Chria washid under a Carpenters Sonne; Area, thing under the ,name offooit7neffe : foour ig- norance in attributing things to falfe caulks keepes us off. ¡ftheGofpelbebid, . itubidden to Pro,3.1'. Pro.16.31; Natth.23.54, I Cor.t.21. 2 Cor.4,3 4