166 AnElegant and lively Defcription, to thole thatperil),; there is a double ignorance; privative, and po iitive ; that isit, by which the God of this world blinds men, breeding a falfe perfwafionof good, and agood, perfwafionof evill3 ó The fixt impediment is in-confederation men doe not confider the things they might know : ifmenwould deduce one thingfrom another, anddoe that theyknow, they might be brought to God. Deut. 29. a..3. Tee have feene, faithMoyfees, ail ate the Lord did before your eyes,'in' theLandofEgypt, uponPbaroab and hisfervasrts : yee havefeene thole greatfignes andmiracles whichbeedid, yet the Lordbathnot given you ars heart to perceive, and eyes tolie, and eaves toheare wadthisday : that is, yee have not profited becaufe yee have not con. fidered. We thinke ifthat wehad livedthen, wee had beleeved , yet wee fee how fewof themdid beleeve : webekeve theScriptures, yet what inconfequence is therein mens lives, becaufe wee doenot confider things. Con. fideration he'pes to perfea mens actions ; it is as acircular line; one part helper the other. Ifwee lookebacke and examineour actions, it helpes ; want of it hinders. What is repen. tance, but con îderation :' ler. 8,6. No man repented himofhis wickedneff,faying,what have idone? want ofthis keepes menfrom f lvation. a Chron. 6.37. if they bethinke them/elves in the Land whither theyare carried away and turn and