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ofSpirituali Death and Life; 167 andpray untome, in theircaptivity, faying,W'ee havefinned, wehave done amiffe, anddealt wick- edly ; then I will heare. Soler . 8.6. Godhark- ned whether any would fay, What have1done:' men goeon and confider not.IIofea,q..t i. whore dome, andnewwine,fiealeaway their hearts; that is, it makes them not toconfider. Nark. 6.52. Theyconfidered not the loaves, therefore their hearts werehardened:theywere feareful in the fhip, becaufe they confidered not the miracle ofthe loaves. The feventh impediment, is a certaine ílif- aefíe and obfirmation of minde, whereby a man isfetled to continue in fuch a courfe that is pleafant to him, and all that croffe him in it are enemies to him. Born. 8. theflefb ie notfüó- jel to thespirit, it crofï'eth it : one reckons not a nuo his enemy unleffe heecroffe him. It muábe fo 5 every creature as long as it bath a being, oppofeth that which is contrary to it foevery man that delights himfelfe in filch or fucka lull,, will not be circumcifed, clearfed and welled from it, hee will not have Chris re/gite ever him; he will have his elbow roome. Thoíèmen that are not tranflated from death to life, they count the wayes of God eyther va- nityor folly, and will not fubnit unto them, nor yet heare Chritisvoyce. NOW the mean s, the helpes, and wayes to breake through the impediments , and to re- ceive theWord withprofit, arethefe. Firfl, Laak+.`I 9I ¢.. The manes bow to heare profitably.