6$ ,/fnElegant and lively Defcription, Firfl, toheare profitably, that thevoyceof the Sonne ofGod bee not a common voyce, but peculiar, take that rule which is fet downe, Lai, 8. 18. Take heed howyee beare. Chrift gave that admonition to his hearers, and I give it toyou : looke to your(elves, take heed how yee come to beam the Word ; doe it diligently the reafon of this is added inthe fameverle: for unto him that bath(halldegiven, andfrom himthat bath not, gall bee taken away even that which hefeemsed to have. That is , if yee heare andget alittle knowledge, yee (hall have more : bee that yeeldeth fotne fruits, (hall bring fòorth more: hee that doth forme things, (hall doe more, God will blefi'eyou.. Brat-jro nhim that bath not , Mall bee takeneven that which beeflowed to have : that is, your hearts (hall be hardened , and that common knowledge which you have (hall bee taken a- way.rob, 15.2. Every branch that beareth not fruiteGod cuts dowse. Godlookes intoa Con- gregation to fee who doth make confcienceof hearing; rhofethat doe, hepurgeth ; but thole that profit not, bee curfeth : he takes not away their lives , bat their graces, makes themwi ther in the inward man, and fo bee 'comes to death.Luk. 19. He that badten Talents, he that had moft, hadmoregiven .him : To prac`(iíea little is theway toget more. TheTalent is ta., kenfromhim,whodidnot of it, andgiven to him, that hadmolt Talents. There are two rewards for 3/1. Athaç: