of Spirituali Death and Life. for him that of th the Talentwell. Firfl, hee (hall have m re. Secondly, he (hall he ruler over tenCities.; her (hall have cumfurt here, andhereafter : hee ¡hall have more comfort and grace. See how he dealt with Nathaniel, loh. z.5o. Becaufe be confe/Jed Chrifl to be the Sown ofGod, and beleeved becartfe Chrcftfaw him under the Fig-tree, whichwas bur a final! thing ; Cbrifg tels him that beeflrall feegreater thing; than thee, ¡ob. 7. t 7. if aHy man will doe hss txifl, heefiallknowofthedoctrine whetherit be of God: that is ifyee praiife according to your knowledge, you than knowmore,it íh311 be confirmed to you. Let men know andnot pradife, then Rom. r. 2 1.22. Becaufe when they knew God, theyglorrfedhimnot ate God, neyther are thankf,sI, therefore Godgivesthem up toun-I clesnne , therm the lufls oftheir owne hearts , I o difnonour their owne bodyes betweene thew felves, and towor/bip Idols ; ashedealt with the Gentiles . So in the n Theft; 2.9. Becaufe they received not the love ofthe truth ; becaufe they heardmuch, anddid not imbraceit, Godgave them tip tofrogáelufions tobeleez't lyes. Seeit by experience when as men play with their knowledge , Godgives them up to herefies. TheS ofGod will notffrsve long with them. Godbath mmanded us, not to raft Tories ra;Qeh.7.6, before Swine; and will hee himielte doe it Confider what yee doe in every doctrine of falvation, that is preached to you; yeeeyther M relifh