7d Elegant and lively3D%rption, relifh it, or not yce obey it, ordifobey it; ye z cor.2J6. tafle it or difrcli(h it : ifyee tale itnot, it is a favour ofdeath unto death ; that is, it brings death and leades tohell: ifyec favourit aright, it brings to heaven. Thereis no true doelrine, but the not obeying of bringeth fomething to your damnation. When the , favour of Chrifls knowledge is made manifeti, not receivingit, ye reed it , and it brings a curfe. Heb. 6.7.8, The earth, which drinketh in the raine which com,sethoft upon it,Brad bringsforth hearties meetefor him by whom it 4 drefféd, re. ceivetb a bleffingofGods but that which bring- ethfirth thorns and briers i rejeïied, ana g. nigh untocurfing, whop. endis tobehurried :that is, the word is as raine it makes, hearbs and weeds to grow : ifhearbsgrow,Gbddoth pro fper it more ; if it fais upon rockes it withers more and more; Goddothcurie it. It isnot in the knowledgeofdivinity as inother fcien- ces t in them yemay negle6 a ycare or two, and get it againe but it is not fo in this; yee will not be able to returne againe, yee are nearea curfe,yeecannotredeeme it- Seewhat followes in the neglecting ofthe Word. In the, 2 Ghron.3 fit. j 5.'6. Godfeethis naefengers riling up early, &c. becsafehehad eompa mote his people, and orbit dwellingplaced Put they mocked themeJngers ofGod, anddeft)fed bid VYord, andmufedhis Prophets, untill the wrath lofthe Lordroteup40ai4hitpeople, tilltherewas no