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of Spirituag Deathand Life. 171 no remedy. Grace may hand with infirmities 'before they are reveiled,but being revelled the light difcerneth them. I men refute, God in- duresit not. 4t1.17.30.; The times ofthat (goo ranee God regarded not, but now take heed, the God,ellbeing revelled ; Godwill beare no lon- ger. BeforeZahn B.iptifi came , the 4xe rnas Math.3.Io not ¡aide to the rote of the tree but asbone as ,he came, it u9as; becaufe then the Gofpel was made knownc bee revealed the t_r! th. When the truth is once revealed , if men doe not then receive it, God indures it not. H.eb3 1[ 3. To day ifyeewill Beare my woyce,barden not 'oar hearts. Godwillnot flay longer than this day. There isa day , ( when it is wee cannot prefcribe) after which God will not offer grace but commonly wee fee that menbeing of theage of difcretion, and having the way (hewed, if they negle6t itthen, they common- ly perifla. Godbath a fecret time. The lezves had their day; but becaufe they accounted them fillies unworthyofever',Ong life, Pauldidturne from them to the Gentiler, 4el, i 3.46. Saule had his day , hee had common gifts and profited not, therefore God forfooke him. So ifraell had their day , but when they negl_eaed it, God bids level/sigh not topray for them. Con- fider what you have heard of the Sacrament, that yee may not abfent your felves from it in the places wherein you arc, without weigh- ty affaires, which will e cafeyoubefore God: