ï InElegant and lively Dejcription, fo for theSabbath; you knew it fhoold bee kept; becaufe it is holy ; and if it be holy,I would askeyou this queftìon ; whether it bec holy in whole, or in part ? Ifall ofit beholy, it isnot arbitrary, it mutt be fequeflred from common ufes. The vef èls of the Sanctuary are laid to beeholy , becaufe they were not ufed but about holy things : So the Temple is holy,becaufe it isaplace fetapart for Gods fer_ vice: fo time is holy,when it isbellowed onho. Iy things, holy, thoughts, holyduties; confider that it isholy, and that every partthereofis ho- ly; and then deny ifyou car,that it is not to be fandified. Some men fpend their time which Ep1145.16. they lhould redeeme,inidleneffe andgaming; moil indrunkennefre anddiforder, andnot as they fhould. Yee have heardofmortification; yeehave heardthe doctrine ofchanging from death to life;apply them,and take heed howyou hearer yee that heard it negligently ¡ballgrow worfe andworfe: Z' The fecond meanes to beare profitably, is that which is fee downe in the z They .2. 13. that is, to receive theWord, mot ,u tée Wordof ma r ; dart as theword ofGod.. This makes the Word of'Chritt effeduall , toheare it as the WordofGod; that is, confider, wliofeword it is. Confider the ground of it, that it pro. creels fromGodwho is prefenr,God is there, End.:o and we fpeake inhis deal a Godflake to the if raela_'mr leMownSir", and wouldhavecon.., . tiaaed