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ofSpirituall Deathand Life. 173 tinucd for any thing we know,yet thepeoplede- fired that,Mofes f ouldLeake unto them. Wee be, fetch you in theflesdofChrifl,to be reconciledunto ,God. This is of much moment, to heare it as Gods Word:morralltruths may build you up inmorrallvenues, and may be profitable to thatpurpofe; but theywill not breed fpirituafl Iife:that the Wordonelydoth, being received as the Word ofGod.Iobn6.65 . when as Chrifi demanded of the twelve, whether they alfo would goeawap ? Peter made this anfwer; Lord, whither fhallcwegoe r Thouhaft` the words ofeter- mall lift.Aman isnot a living man, butby con- junttion'betwixt Godand the foule: God is to the foule,as the foule is ro the body, bee puts life into ir, ard re conjoyned to it by his word when it isthus received. The Word comming as from God, wee doe that which is comman- ded us,becaufe Godwill haveus doe itswe doe it fimply and fincerely, fo that God acceptsit. Whenwe receive theWord as the Word of God, with faith, and full Affurance, then it breeds life within us : and when it begets life then it comes from God,then it comes inpow- er and in the holy Ghofi, and makes us be- come followers of Chrifl, r The,. I. 5. When we receive the Wordof God, as from God himfelfewith full affurancc,then it workes ef- fe6lualty,then it begetteth life in us. To live, is tohave fence andmotion,tobe aeting;the re- ceivingoftheword with ful afíurance,makes us M 3 alive; 2 Cer.s..Yo. ThcC,.13.