-------a._. . 4n Elegant and livelyDefcription, a6tive ; the beleeving ofit lets men on worker z Chron, a5.5.6. Y o. when ad Arnaliah beleeved that Godwouldnot be with him :allelebee jest a way the f aelites, then hefent them awayandnot before, Caleband lofuabdid beleeve, therefore theyfollowed Godc nflantly. cí4braham offered up hidTonne lfaacke, becaufe he beleeved God that hecouldgive himanotherAnne, orraitehim out of aihesagaine. Let a man be perfwaded that,fuch a thingwill hurt him , or-that fuck a thing will doe himgood, bee doth the oneand leaves theother. Receive therefore theWord with full affurance , confider what is deli- vered, if it be the Word or no ; confider that it which yee heart , iseyther the Word of not the WWVord, it belongs to me ornor. Men take things overly,andare not rooted and grounded infaith, and that makes themheare unprofitably:, See then ifyour particular a6ti- ©ns agree with theWords fo yee Ihall be roo- ted infaith ; this makes the Word a Wordof life. The third rule and meanes to heare with profit, is that which is fer downe ofthefourth ground, in the parable ofthe feed, in the eight ofLuke, the Y 5. verfe, that is, Toreceive the Wordwithhoneft and good hearts ; having beard the Wordto keepe it, asd tobringforth (raitewith patience. Heare theword with honefi hearts, this is done when as amati is refolved topra- aife whatfoever Godwill reveale ; whenhe bath