Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

ofSpirituall DeathandLife. bath no refervations or exceptions to himfelfe; when hee is refolved to pra6tifewhat he heares withan humble heart : being humbledwe will doe this, and not before. The fourth ground was humbled ; men will not heare thisbecaufe theyare proud:now pride is anevill difpofition in the creature, whereby it exalts its (elfe above its meafure : There is this fault inmen, they will picke and chufe in the wayes ofGod. TheTaft groundwill one- ly part with all for Chrift. 4f . 9 When as Paul was humbled, bee then cryed out, Lord what wilt thou have me todoe I will doe or fuf- fer any thing for thee, and bee was as goodas his word. So 4c`ß. 2.32. the Lewes being hum- bled cried out, Men and brethrenwhat(hallwee doe ? wee will doe any thing to be faved. So At, t 6.3 o, The jaylor being humbled demanded ofPaul what heeAmid doe to belayed ; whena s a' roan is thus elifpofed, God willteach him,Pfal. 2 5.9. God teachctb the bumble his wayes : man himfclfe will doe fo ifhe feeone willing to learne,hewill teach him :Thefecrets ofthe Lord are revealed to thef that fearebim; to thode that Eland inaweofhim, anddare doe nothinga- gainíf him : bee reveales his peculiar truthes ina peculiar manner tomen , thofe things that are effe tuall to their falvation : Bring there- forehumblehearts, ready toobey. Bueyou will fay weedoe obey andpradife what we heare. 175 Mg. P CalaS.E 4. ïÏ Objea