1 76 AnElegant and livq?Defcripti9ri7 fi I anfwer, that yce may be deceived as they, d/or. in the fift ofDe/a. They faid theywould obey, but God favv that, there was another heart in them than what they faide : therefore God faid ; o that therewere!itch an heart in them Duct 5.29. thatthey wouldfiareme, and keepe my comma,,. dements alwayes,that it mightgoe well with them and their eh:U.:Infer ever . So lookinan and the other Captaincs, kr.4 2 .2O. defired leremia, togee to God, toknow his wi,ff,and they woulddoe whatfoever he _Amid.147, whether it were good or evil. But Jeremiah tels them that they did but diOmble in their heerts;heknew they would not doe it.Looke to this in thea6s andeffeas: what haveyou done when the Word croffeth you in your aymes , eftates, names, friends-; Ifyouhave difobeyed ir, thenEze. 14.4, the word is made aflionblingblocke, &your iniquities are befireyourficce2and theLord rill avfwereyou \I according to the multitude 0/your Idols. God will anfwer filchmen according to theircorn- ) ming,asthey come with falfe hearts,they fhall be dealt withal! accordingly. Come then with ll hearts refolved to pralife whatfoever is fpo- I' ken, anddefire God tomake it effeauall mfg. vation. The fourthwanes toheare the Word,and Ithe voyceof Chrifl profitably , is to lay up what you heare : let it abide and continew ) with you. This rule is prefcribed by Chrift himfelfeJob. 15 .7.ifyeabide in isse,arkboyway abide