ofSpiritual) Deathand Life: abide inyou,ye (lull aske whatyeewill, anditfhall bedoneuntoycu:Wlieu ye attend to the.Word, if yec are affeeted with it but for the tittle, it is nothing ; except it continue with you it will not profit you ; you mutt doe as Mary did ; fine layed up all the fayings that Thee heard of Chrift, and pondered them in ber heart, Luke 2. 51. The Difciples often quetlioned ofChrit}:. which proves, that they pondered his Words in their hearts : So the Nobles of Berea, theyfearched ;hiScripture : fo Jacob bee notedthefaying oflofeph and laidit up. Yee doe not heare thusifyou doe but lend your cares for the,time, ifyee worke it nor upon your af- feóions,ycprofit not. The reafon.why..there is fo much preaching, and fo little profit, is for want of this. There are two kindsof ill hearers: the firít are fuchasheare as Swine,and trampleall theyheare under feete., the fecund, fuch as heare asDogs, fnarling at the doetrine: if yee offend ineyther of thctè, yeeheare miffe. Ofallthe fouregrounds that was wort) which received not the Word. When men heare the Word there is more than a naturali fcrgetfulncffe in them, the Divell helpes it. lam. r . 23.24. He that heares the word, and re. cals it nor, or pro&ifeth it not; ú like onethat beholdeth hisface in a glaffe,far he beholdeth him- elfe andgoetb away ,. andflraight way .forgetteth what manner ofmanhe w.sJ : yec mutt recall it before yee canpratife it, elfe yee will be like to 77 A11.17II. Gen.3:7.1 I. :