Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

178 AnElegant and lively Defcription, to thofe that behold their face ina glaire, and wipe not away their (pots. Be not thereforeforgetfull hearers : and for this, firil: recall and repeate what yee have heard whenyee are gone : Secondly, praóife it afterwards; there is a bleffing promifed to mind full hearers, there is a carte denounced againfl rhofe that areforgetful!, loh. 13.15. if yeeknow theft things, happy areye ifyoudoe them but there is acurie for you if you doe not pro- fit; God will make you toheare, and will not giveyou his Spirit. Regard toprize theWord ifye will not be forgetfull. Rom. 1.28. thofi that did not like to retain God in their knowledge, thofe that did heare the Word and not regard it, Godgave themtip toa reprobatefence, toan In judicioufnefl'e to doe thofe things that were not convenient, not beingable to profit by it. The ancient Fathers much pretfed the repetition of Serrnons,and one ofthemufeth this fimilirude: Aman that comes into a pleafant garden, will not content himfelfe with the prefent fentonly, but hewil carry forneoldie flowershome with him ; So in a coldday, a manwill not be con- tent toheare himfelfeat anothers man ire, but he will carry away forne fire with him tokeepe himhot at home. So doe yee whenye come toheare the Word; carry home forne flow- ersofit withyou, carry forne firehomewith you, to beate and warme your hearts. God regards not flaches and moodes, and fuch neg- li