ofSpirituali Death andLife. 179 Iigence in performing of holy dutiesas will not warme your hearts. Men are likca Sive in the water : it is full wbiles it is in thewater,but be- ing taken out of it, it bath nothing; it is not the hearingof theWordof God, or thedoing of it negligently that will profit, ifye hearc it on- lypreforma, and negligently, it doth you no good,but it brings Gods cureuponyou. Gods curie is on many, they grow not in know- ledge or grace for want of diligence ; where- fore in the 2 Pet. 3, 17. the Apottle bids us beware leafi beirg ledarray with the error of the wicked, we fallfern our Dune fledfafinef : to prevent this, grow ingrace, and for this pur- pofegrow in knowledge, for then ye grow in grace. The lift meanes to heare profitably, is to 5 prize the Word and the voyce Chriff fpeao king to the heart : pray carnally for it that ye may feeke it earnefi ly at Godshands, befeech him to fpeake toyour hearts your hearing is nothing without this : it is thereat (beápbeard oftheßecke that mutt feede you. It is the Spi- á Pet.5,5 rit that mull teach you. Therefore when as you come to heare, pray earnefly to God to 1 fpeake unto you by his Spirit. 1t is theSpirit that gxicknetb. lob. 6.63. the Word is fpirituall, and weeare carnal] 4 therefore wee mutt pray for the Spirit to helpeus for tobeam : theSpi- rit isnot bellowed without prayer. 40. - 14. 15. God promifed to givehis Spirit to his A- poflies,