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g C} Pral.119. I Cor 3. 2I. AnElegant and lively Vefcription, potties, yet they continued legginpayers ere he gave it them..Luk, i i .13. God gives not hisSpi. tit but tofuchare fake it,, to fuch as cótinuepray ing,askingand knocking. Dauidprayes to God; to open bis eyes that be alrightfee thewonders ofhid Law:Men mayhearethe Word, yet Godo. pens not their eyes without feeking to him. God fpeakes untoyou by his Minifters. Paule anddpofias areyours we arc theMiniffers of God, for your fakes, for yourfery ice IfGod open thedoreofutterance,it isnotforour fakes but yours, that you might feeke the Wordat our mouthes and beleeve.Áa.14. I.a great company ofLewes and Gentiles beleeved by hearing the Wordpreached, and receivingof it:Tbe worldreceives not the Spirit,becaufe they feeke it not, loh. r4 17.W e inpreaching, can doe nothing ; it is the Spirit that muff doe ir. 2 Cor.3 .t 8. wecan .thew you the ImageofGod, but it is nothing toyou :rye be not transformed intothe fame imagefromglory toglory : and it is =the Spirit that muß thus transformeyou. Con- dude therfore with God inprayer, let not him deny you; oneWord from him is more thana thoufand from us. God fafining his Word up -. onyour hearts,it changethyou;withouthimwe preach invayne. The fixt meanes to heate prof tably, is to come with vacuity of winde , free from all things that hinder ; elfe wee tiny but among, thomes,ler.4 4.we fpeake tomen prepoffeffed: the 6