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ofSpiritual) DeathandLife: the feed falles on fallowground; we fpeake to menu whofe hearts are full of lufls:they have a noyfe ofbufineífewithin ,them ; and fo they heart us not, becaufe theirhearts are forepof feffed. The arrowes headbeing in the wound, it is in vaiue to lay plaifiers upon it;, there- fore, lap. 7.24. when as weecome toheart the Word, w ceare commanded , to laya/ide ollfuyerfuit,yofnaughtine(e,, and to receive with meekenefe, the insrafied Iford,,h ch is able to . awe ourjoules. Doe in hearing the Word as men doe is grafting ; cut off all fuperfluous branches ; come with et ipty, minds ;. attend to the craters ofgrace. Men who have full florrtacks God feeds not He feeds thehungry, others are f nt empt away, they are alwaycs hearing, but never profiting. I fhould fpeake now ro Minifters and people : to Miniftets, that they fpeake, n,the voyce of Chrift, than they fpeake as he did ; not in wv f derne ófwords, but sn theevidence oftheSpirit ; To the people; that they muff .11eare them by whom Chrift fpeakes ; thofe who have Livings to beffow, ought to beflow them on fuch as fpeake the WordsofChriíl ; they that; wa t his voyce ought to procure fuch. Now if yee will not be at coft forea good Minifter, it is a fgne you love your profit above Chrift. Thofe that dwell where Chrifts voyce is not , let them remove,, for theyfisj darkenffeandin thePad? clewofdeath, Efiy.9.2. If your dwellingbeplea- fart