,,finElegant and livey t'efeription, fant, ifyou have bitter waters or no waters atall, you will remote : Havenot yourdwel- ling then where the water oflife is not. If the voyce of Chria be the onely meanes to beget life, let men come to it. ' It is agreat fault, men come trot to this voyce bee that came not tothe Sacrament, muft be eat off: What (hall be done to him that comes not to theWord ? Want ofthe Word preached is a great mifery; therefore David complai nethmuchofthiscafe, whets he mu not able to Prai.rzo.5. come to the Ward. ® that t am conflrai ed to duel ss Me:finch, ie and to haysmy habitationa, mongll the tents(Kedar. The daily fäcrifce being takenaway,' it was thegreateildcfolatian that corcdd be 5 -and can men live there with comfort where the Word is wanting Is it adutytocometoheare theWord, or is it Ar. bitrary, tocomeor not tocome ? Ifit bearbi trary, thenyeeperforrne butawill worfhip, whenyet beare it 9 ifaduty, then yet muff heare it conflantly , and enquirewhereit is to be bad. But you haveexcufes. To this I anfwer, fee how yec can excufe your felves toGod : How angry was Chrifl with thofe that came nñt to the marriage : that is principally meant ofcomming ro heare the Gefpell. It is adefpyfingof Godand his or , dinancesnot to come; it is acontempt which bringsforth a curfe,whicb brings a judgement that