Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Dot1rilee®fMortificatioñà Î you ; andmiferable will be your captivity under fuck a treacherous lordas finne is : therefore ifyouwould have ChrilitobeyourLord and Matter, ifyou would be free fromthe flaveryofSatan,thenfall aflaying of your Hafts, otherwife youcannot bee thefervants of Clod : let this movemenalfo to mortifie fume. Now to make fomeufeofit to our felves : The firft VP g confedaryor ufe, ftands thus ; Seeing the Apoftle faith, If ou berifen withChid, then tnortíe your earthly members,therforeMortification is a figuewherebyyou may try your felves whether you belong untoGodor no. ifyouberifenwithChriit,that is,ifthelifeofgrace be inyou,it will notbeidle,but it will be imployed ire the flayingoffinne. Now ifMortification bee not in you, you can then claime nointereft in Chrif , or in his promifes ; for hee that Endes not Mortification wrought inhim, he hath neither Intereftunto Chrift9 nor toany thing thatappertaines unto Chrii{ : andfeee ing this is fo, let usbee taught by it, that every one fhouldenter into examinationof his owne heart, to finde out thetruth ofthis graceofMortification, efpe- cially beforehecomeunto the Sacrament ; for if we findnot Mortificationwroughtinus,wehave no right to partakeoftheoutward figues. y/ Z. ThefecondUfe or Confe`iary, is, That feein g the Apoftle faith, Morte ; herebyafcribing fomepower unto theC©loshuts tomortifie their Corruptions ; asif heethould fay, You profeífe your felves to bee rifen with Chrift, thenlet that lifewhich you have recei- ved, flayyour corruptions. Hence wenote, that there was and is inevery regenerate man, acertaine freewill todoegood. Nowwhen wee fpeakeof free will, I D 2 e, die