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The DoarineofSelfr.deniall. 187 mutt not bauke theway or decline them,when as he meeteth with them, but flee mutt goe thorough with them, and every day beárc !them s thereforehee addes, that bee that rill come afterhim, muft not onely deny hirafelfe, but likewifé sake up his crop daily andfollow him. Thefirft point of Doarine that arireth fro ,rr, the words is this. That whofiever to)kesfor any interefi in chrill, ma. I. mull deny himfgfe. Hee that comes-after awe that is, he that will bee faved by me, united to i me,madeonewith me,inuft deny himrelfeithat is, though there be no precedent condition required of thofe that corne to Chrift , ( wee Preach, that ifanyman. will corne in,hee (hail be faved, whatever hee !lath beene s there is no antecedent condition requiredbut to de fire CHRIST, Rev. 22. 17. Let him that is athirfi come, let whefoever la come and tee of the waters of lift fieely, That is, none will take him , none will corne in but fuch as thirli : there is nothing required before hand but totake him : ) yet yee mu know, that wh(..n i yee have taken him, you muft bee his 5 bee I muft beeyour Lord, andyou muft beeconfor. mable to hirn : this none candoe without de flyinghimfelfe. PAY L followed chri11, be- caufehee denyed hiinfelre : but D E M A s did not denyhimfelfe.therefbre 2 Tim. 4. io. Ere imbraced the prefint world, and firfioke chrifi. N2 Numb.