Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

RtiEft° ,. ..Infw. The Marine o fSelfe=deniall, ,NOMb,i4.24JOA.44,84r nLE$and' o'sxvA3. followed God conflantly, they went through all and denied themfelves the other heads of the Tribes did not. Take A, 1E R A H À M 1for example of Selfe- deniall. G n 1 2. i. G o Dbids him g ecut of haycountry toanunkneuneLand, and flee loth it ; Hee refufednot to offer up his onelySonne when hee was corjnmanded:todoe it; bee ferved God conflantly. If ourwills and thrifts will were_unifòns 8z coincident, then there wereno need todenyour felves ; but becaufe they are contrary one to the other, therefore we muff deny our felves, But what is it todeny our felves ? I anfwer,it is nothing elfe, but not tomake our Rives our aime and end ; but to make God our end and aime, and to deny our felves as wee are contrary to him : To deny that dulneflè and averfneffe of Nature, that the Scripture calls, the old men, and the fle; to give tlai-s the, deriiall is ,t® deeny a mans felfe; beeaufe this is reckoned a mans felfe. Flefil and corruption of nature, is called a mans felfe. 2 Cori/sth., 4. S. Wee preach ;sot oar felves, bat .hri ` : That is, wee preach not for our owne credit and ends, but for £riftandhis,glQry, The corruptionof Na- ture is reckoned amans felfe. 2 Corinth. r2. 5, PAY L faith that hee knewa main that u/ascaught vp into Paradice, &c. ©f ach a oneIwill glory, yet of my fe/fe i will notSlory ç That is,I will not