Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The lDoElrine ofSefe=deniall. z g9 notrejoyce of my corruption, but ofthe rege, aerate part ofmy (elfe. I am a lumpe, a body oflinne, Bur why is this reckoned a mans felfe ? Quell. I answer, becaufe it is fprcad over the Souk dInfv, andall the faculties, as the forme is over the matter; for a man cheri(heth it as hirnfelfe; that which fights againa it fights again{ him- felfe. But how can a nun poíliblie deny himfelfe P Qtefl. For there inua be a requea before there can be a deniall, and this cannot be done 'ant where there are two ; one roreque1,anothcr to deny ; now man is but one,how then can this be ? I anlwer, there are two felfes, two men in every man ; one requefls, the other denyes. Roi.47, ao. It fs no longer i that doe it britPinne that dwels im nee : that is, there are two, in me, the flesh and the fpirit ; by the one I will the thing,by theother I re(fl it 5 Inn everyRe. generate man, thereare three things ; i. Com- mon Nature, which is neyther morally good nor vil this hash an entity in ir,and fo is good. Secondly, to this is aided the fleas, the corruption of Nature, on the one file, byaf ing it thewrong way ; on the other fide ofit there is the fpirit, turning it the right way and readying it. This common nature as it is guided by the fpirit, , denyes it (elfe in the r things propounded, according to the (Lib , the underaanding and the will in this campetiti- N3 on