Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

190 The DogfrineofSelfe_deniall. tiondeny the fleth : when as your wills arid. affeCtions .deliire riches, pleafures, wealth, life, in an inordinate mariner; deny your felves, the fpirit regveting the contrary. Without this Seife-denyall aman cannot be faved t there is a neceffity ofit, and there is muchequity in Reafonsof ir, (as there is in all Gods Commandements) Seifedenial ifwee could but fee ir. "a For firff, ifwe looke into our laves, there: is great reafonto deny our felves becaufe ifwe doe it not, weedefiroyour felves. The flefh is to the Soule., as a drfeale is to thebody; ifye give one that is ficke ofaDrople, drinker or one ficke of aRaver , Wine; you pleafe the humour well, but ye kill the man ; fo it is here. Gddath 6.8. He thatfoweth'to the»f » , pal the flejh reape corruption ; that is , by fads- fying of it wee reape DeftruCtion : hee that fowethto the fielh reaper defiru&ion ; that is, deflruáion conies not prefently, it isas feed that is fowne, itcomes for themoffpart after- wards. And this anfwers an ebje6hDia that might be made, that we fee the contrary. Rz;ek. r8.31. God fayth, why n)' riNyee dye 0yeebowieof ifraeN? That is, though you fee not prefent death, yet your fins will bringdeath. As it is laidofuncleannes,Frov.2. a 8.Thatit:leadstothe chambersofdeath:fomay it be faidofanyother fin, it leades to death. But nowto denyyour felves, is life, becaufeby io doingye low to the fpirit. Andhe that,(owes to the,birit ; ¡bn11o /the fßerit