ROW TheDeEirine ofSelfe-deniall. x91 jbirit rape lift everlafting. Ga1.6.8. Secondly,in regard ofGod there is good rea- Con that we fhould deny our (elves. For what is it tohave a God , without worfhipping lairh , as God ? Ifwe doe not deny our felves, we fer not Godaboveour felves. Looke upon the na- ture of things,&you (ball finde, that God bath noneabove himfelfe.. GOD maydoeall things for his owne ends; but looke to your felves, you are made for another end; keepe theorder ofnature, doe as the order of things requires, you mutt befubjed to him, your defires corn. wring incompetition withwhat G onrequires youmutt deny your felves. But how iS it pofble for aman in his pro- euejt, jcs, and-the-thoughtsof hishearr,not to feeke himfelfe? To this I anfwer , fill , that in every man .hofiv there is anatural] felfe-love, therefore we doe not defiroy it, but fay, that a man may feeke himfelfe, becaufe God bathplanted it in Na- ture ; and-the plants which bee bath planted we mutt not root out; we have Gardens inour heatts,andwe mutt weed them :grace deftroyes not nature but elevates ir. Nature is the WorkeofG o D : (opusNature ell opus ANtho- rif.) Secondly:, G o D will not binde us to that ' a which is fimplyimpoffible, therefore G o D will not haveusnot to feekeour felves; yea he bath commanded us not to kill our fe vcs, N 4 and 2.