Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The 17. oEtrine ofSelfesdenial. and to love our neigh6cursas ourfelves ; which thew that a man may love himfelfe. Thirdly, the motives ufed in Scripture, Re- peat for the Kingdome of Goa' is at band : and Feare not him that can kill the body and doe no more , but fairehim that fps able tocall bothfeule andbody into Hell : (hew that a man may love 1 himfelte. Whereforewee doenot take away this feufe-love but rethifse it; weedoe not dry up this ftrcame, but turne it into its right Channell : wee extirpate not this plant , but guide it intothe right way;as Mulciansbreake not the firings, but rediflc and tune them. Whereforewee aftrme, that a man may and muf'c feeke himfelfe fo farre as it is good for himfelfe, aid no farther: This religion doth, it reelifeS our love , reacheth us todeny inor- dinate affeelions, and to ferve God with a per- fed heart; Before regeneration, a an feekes himfelfe by doing things that are pleafant ac. cording to the fic hdoth the thing he fees and handles. Buta man that isfan6iified,feeks 1 his happineffe in God , though he loofethhis goods, his life., and all that bee bath,his hap- ninEffe is in God,he is refolved to doeor fuffer any thing for God. Ifnonecan have any interefi in C H 11 i s T without denying himfelfe, then joyne not both together make no conjunaionwhereas God hath made an abfolute dífiuntion ; de- ny all that is in you,the whole body of finne, all