Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

-< The Dobrine ofSelf=denial. all it can defire; deny every requeff of the &íl , every defire ofit without ail exception ; Chria faith nor, deny your Covetoufnefl''e, every fuch particular finite, but yaw (elves, every finne, flocke and branch, both cannot bee joyned : if therebe any pleafure, any thing i that yee delight in, have yee anycommodity in filch a thing, yee cannot be faved without a Divorce from it, when it comes in competi- tion with rS G o D. So if there beany Crofiè that yee will not fuller for G o D, yee cannot belayed. Putcafea man will not endure Ob- loquie; ifhe will endure this, yet he will not loofe his efaate : ifthis, yet hewill not loofe his liberty and life fueh a man as this denyes nor hin-èlfe Thofe who would follow Ca r s_r, muff doe as the Apoflles did, Marl' 10.38. For /ake all and follow him r G o n will try us all one time or other, whether we will forfake all and follow him, mark. 6.22. Hee that will follow C H x I s T, max( have aEngle Eye: that is, ifthe eye be fixed onely on God, without joyning any thing with him, then it is finale it is faìd to be fìngle, in regard of i the object; when as that is tingle Whenwee " can be content with G o n thoughwe have no- thing elfe,then is our eyefingle,anA Ire are light: but if our eye be wicked, that is, eyeing, of our credit and cflateand the like alI the body is darke ; that is, we are Vnregenerate. fames, i4. A doable minddd mans G O D hates: the mind