Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

20 TheDo(IrineofMortificestio,: doe notmean that Free-will which is incontroverfie nowadayes, . as though then- werefuch a thing inhe- rent in us ; but this which I fj Bake of,is that frredoYnc ofwill that iswrought inus after Regeneration ; that Is, whenaman is once begotten againe,there is anew life andpower putintohim, wherebyhee is : able to doemore then heecould poflibly doe by nature : and tillim.T;txe therefore theApoflie faith unto rimothie, Stirreapthe brace that is in thee, z Tin/J.6. that is, thouhaft given thee thegift ofinflruCtion; the life ofgrace is in thee, therefore flirreit up, fet iton worke, ufe thepower of grace to doe good: which fhewes that thereis a cer. taine powerin the regenerate man todoe good : for althoughbynatureweare dead, yet grace putslifein- tous ; As it is with fire,;if there beebuta fparke, by blowing, in time it will come to a flame fowhere there isbut a fparkeofthe fire ofgraceinthe heart,the fpirit clothfoaccompany itthat in time it isquickened upunto every Chriftianduty. póietia. But youwill fayunto mee, Wherein is the regene- rateman able todoemore than another man,.ormore thenhecould doe e. To this I anfwer, that the regenerate man isable r!1,ß i3. g' to doemore thenheecould doe in thefe two parti-, ä culars : Thepower o¢ Fieft, he is able to perforce any duty; or any thing a uwacratc God cotnrnands,according to the proportion ofgrace 1.41-1'.' that hebath received; butifthe dutyorthing exceed thegrace that he hathreceived, then hee is toprayfor an extraotdinary helpeofthe fpirit. . but heecouldnot doe this before,neither Is it in power ofanunre e-, iterate man to'doeit.: _ P gCOtt-