194 TheDoc ríne o fSelfe.deniall. mimic is double when it bath an eye to G o D an i our felves ton; fuch a man as this , is son - liable i*a'Jhis woes, he willfollow G o D but in fame things. lerebohain will follow G o D, but not in the matter of theKin dome with- out a tingleeye, weareunftable inour wayes. This joyning of both together , makes ma- ny thoufands looff their Soilless Many that live in the Church will not abandon all, they will doe many things to fatisfie natu- rall Contderations ; this doth deftroy ma- ny, having eyes to G O D and thenafclves too. But confider. Firti, that it is a folly todoe this, yee lriofe both: theworld hates you for that gcbd which is inyou; and G OD hates you, becaufeyou have no more. jfB Al 4L 6e GOD, follow I King.i 2.%I him altogether. Secondly, for what-end doeye doe it?Doe 2 yee it for your credit and advantage? Ye are deceived inboth if ye doe : ifyou follow G OD onely,you have pleafure and content ; but if youmixehim withother things, yee loofe the comfort of both. Thirdly , for what end doe yee it ? None canbeePaved not ferving G O D with a per- feó heart. 2 chronic. 25. 2. 4 M A Z I A u firvedGOD uprightly, but oat with a perfe heart ; bee did much , but not with a perfed heart i therefore it was nothing woorth. n; >,