The DottrineofSebe- derir ll. Whydoe you heaveand pray, and are juft in many things, and not in all ? Yee lode your labour while thus you halt betweeneGo nand P44l. Fourthly , it is needleffc to joyne other things with Gob,to leeke content in the Crea. titre ; there is enough in GOD alone, bee is all_' fufficienr,there is all him. Fiftly, ifthere_were a poffibiliry to joyne both together, yet the leffeyouhave beere, the more yeehave with GOD,; the more yee have ófthe world, the leffeyeehaveofGrace ; the lril'e praife yee have ofmen, the more yee have with GGD : Man mull deny himfelfe, have a fnglc-eye , forfakeall things, elfe bee loofethall : many take much Baines, yet be- caufe they deny nót themfelves, they loofe all. Secondly, ifall thar come toCHR r s r muff deny thcmfelves, then learne tomake account of this before hand , to deny your felves : Caft with your felves , if you will, bee fa- ved and follow CH R Is T, not to provide for. pleafures and efface : fay not I will, bee rich, I will have inch content; you muff de- nyyour felves, withftand your felves: fee what your thoughtsand intentionsare.; doe younot thinke how to fatisfieyour felves in your earth- ly things?thefe be your thoughts,but fuer the not to run out putyee ern theLord lefts C'bri1, 4nd make noprovifton for thefdeflh, tofuflt the Lufli 195 Om. rt3.14..