Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

196 TheDoFfrineof Sefe=deniatl. Lulls thereof. Every man till hee be another man, will feeke himfelfe , but doe you re- nounce your felves. Confider what your nor . ping thoughts are, confider that the MI is lulling and running ; thinke therefore every morning how to croffe it the day following, youmuff dayly deny your felves, you mute goe up the Hill of holy duties, when as the flefh would goe down? ; be careful! in croffing the flelh when it wouldbe bufie : bepainefull in your callings, when as the fiLíh would be lafie; feare not to have flume in the world for C is It t s T and Righteoufne lfe fake, though the flefh Brookes it not : nothing troubles men more thanbeing croffed ; wee having precon- ceived a thing, it vexed] us for to loofe it if wee will be Chrifiians, wee muff croffe our felves,not pleafe our felves; pleafe the fpirit, let Hot the affetions run out ; part with all that is Tweet, and tafte thole things that arebitter; and not oncly thus much (my Brethren) but thinke you have a good bargaine too : hee that takes Chri.Ft for hie Lord, mint deny him - felfe,andhate Father and Motherfor hiafake, elf heeu not worthy ofhtrn Matth,14.26. That is, except yee thinke mee worthy ofallthis, let me alone; yee will not be Paved : The 1Vler. taci.t3.4 S chant gave all that bee hadfor the Pearle , and ` thought that he hadagood Bargain : yee muff not c©niplaìne, if yee doe, yee continue not : thinke what Heaven is worth : Is Gshe