Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheVectrine ofselfe-deniall. the governour of all ? Seewhat yee have by him : If yee deny your felves, yeeauKings and Re0,1.6. Priefis; yee haveall if yee take him : therefore fee whether yee take him thus or no : yee mutt not thinke yee havea hard bargaine. But you will fay, this is a hard faying, who obiec . canbeare,it ? To this I anfwer, that thereis reafon for it,. Anftn. there is enough in C H it i s t ifye faw it; there is refafon toperffa,deyou to itd. Firit,- confider that your Goodneffe is all in Chrift,itis contained more in GoJ,than inyour felves.. Whenye denyyour felves, (suppofitio nrh1ponit.) yet fuppofe that a man couldcaft himielfe into hell for Gods fake,he would bea gainer by it. Ourgood is inour GODmore than inour (elves, even as thebeanie is more in the Sun13e, than in its felfe. The perfection ofevery thing is the cndof it. Take all Crea- tures, mixt bodies and the reit, let them have, their end, and they are perfeçt : God is the end: ofeveryman,we are made, redee.ned;and'live t r this purpofe, that wee might behis alone:. We cannot thenbe wiferable whileswe have our end.Rom,9,3.PA v Lco:sld withhirn/elfe.fpa< ratedfromGod, for the love ivkicb bee had tohis Countrimen the levies, heecouldbee can ent to, bee accurfed, that C H R I S: might haveglory by their Salvation. Lofcyce riches, credit, or your lives for Christ his fakes yte are happy in it: yehavea Command to love God above_ your 197