Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

98 The 17oarine ofSelfezdeniaff. your felves becaufe your good is more in him than in your felves. If it were not fo, t GOD fhouldcontradiáMimfelfe, inbidding i us love hüu above our felves : Therefore 1 our good and happineffe is more inG o D, than 1 in our felves. Let a man therefore deny and lofehimfelfe, for Chrift and the Gofpel he gets by it. Secondly, let the emptinefi'e inyour felves, moove you to deny your felves. Whywill youdefendyour felves ? Out of G OD there is no fullne{le If you would bec happy , I woulc aske you where you would ende your happiàeffeoutof GOD ? Either it mutt bee in your felves, or in the Creature. Inyour felves it cannot bee ; for howmany things doe yee want ? Wee are fo indigent in our felves, that wee are faine to ftep out to other Crew tures. In the Creatures it cannot bee; becaufe they are inferiour to us, and worfe than or felves : They were not made for that end, for to make us happy, but to helpe us. A- gaine, the mutability ofthe Creature, fhewes that wee have no happinetfe in it : it is like brittle Glides that are foonebroken. Againe, if they didcontinue , therecould bee nohap. pineffè in them; for they are but Vanity. I Sam. 12. 2z . noise net awayfie*,following the L O R D, for thenfhould you,feeke after vaine things, which Wilms profit ; far theyareCaine. Goe through all things : Men, women, riches, ho-