TheDoi'trine ofSelfe=deniall. 199 honours, any delights pleating the fancy, there is nothingbut vanity in them : that is, there is an inability in them, togive that fatisfadion that is expe6ed. From this wee fay, a Well i5;ernpty,becaufe wee1ooke for waters in it;and findc none. What needs there a change and vi- ci.fiitude of things, ifthere were not an empti- nef% in the Creature? What needed there filch a multitude of them if theywere not empty Befides, confider that G o o canmake you hap. pywithout them:. Ifyee have the Sunne, no. matter for the Starres : though yee have them without the Sunne,yet it is night. Ir were an ea- fie thing todeny our felves, ifwe wereperfwa- dedofthis. Were wee in S AL o M o N s cafe (whofawall that is under the Sunne,andhad a laoundance ofoutward things himfelfc, yet in Ecçlef , 2.3. he faith, They are ailbut vanity:) it were an eafie matter to perfwade us to deny our felves. Ifa chaff wife were perfwaded, that there is no worth in him that Colicites her to uncleanness it were calk for her to deny him. Now adde this to the reif, that all we have faid . perfwades tàot, but when God fendeth a light into theheart ; and that is the reafon that ma ny Cpeake ofthis ,but fewpradife it, Thirdly, there is much equity in it, that you fhould ,,denyyour felves ; becaufe chrift hath redeemed and bought you ofyour felves. Supp0fe a man fell h mfel fc to bee a Ser. vast. ; it is injuftice in him to bee any HUM 3