2®o The Doltrine ofSefe-deniall. more fer himfelfe. t Corintb.6.19.2o.Te arenot your ovine, yee are bought with aprice Ser- vants are not their ovine but their Maflers. ,Reim. B. x 2. Teeareno longer debtors to the FleJh,. to live after the Fle(h; but to the spirit, to live after theSpirit : yec wrong God much, ifthe fielh knucke and yeearafvwereit. Confider the price, and thegreatneffe tafit, that was payed for you. z Pet. i. 18. ree arenot redeemedwith Corruptible things , Silver ana' Gold, from your vain Converfatin, but With the precious Blood ofC H R I S T, rU a Lambe withoutfet. Paul confidered that ebriii gave himfelfe f r him, fo that hee flood uponNothing, but de- niedhimfelfe in all things, that hee might live to him. 2 Corinth.5, r 5. wee thus judge, that onedyedfor all, that they which live , fhould not hcnceferthliveto thensfelves, but unto him, which dy<stfor them androfe againe. Confider thisyec that come to the Sacrament yemuff not doe all for your (elves, but for C H R I s T, and what advantagewill this bring to Chrift ? Let men examine thernfelvcs and yce (hall finde, that few live to Chrifl , moll to themfrlves : Ot!ierwife, whyare not . men more affc&ed to Gods glory, and the Churches good ? Confi der C H R r s T will have his end ; yee muff live in him 3 elfe yee fh ill have no intereh in him. Fourthly, confider what yee doe, when yee' 4 yeild toyour (elves ; and when as you deny your