Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The DoFtrine ofSelfedeniald. ®z your felves; When as yeyeeld to yourfelves, ye ílrengthen the flefll : denying your felves, you (lrengthen your felves, and the inward man: themoreye yeeld to the Spirit,the more beauty ye have ; the more ye yeeld to the &íh, the moredeformity. G4 5.19. Thefruits ofthe ßegh,are adultery forxieatiox, uacleanrnes, andthe like, which bring death: but the fruits of the Spirit,areisy,peace,loog-Afrings,gentleneffe,good. xeye,faith,meekne , temperaNce ; againit which there is no law. Looke to your felves; the fruits ofthe fieth, are shame, mifcry, corruption, death; thefruits ofthe Spirit,are life,grace,and glory : yePlding to the flefh yec ftrengthen the difeafe : the wifeft way is to ílrengthen that whichwill aicke by us. Yee mutt maintains the Spirit, crucifie the flefh, which is as the lea; having gotten ground, it is hardly tobe re- covered: therefore fnibnot the Spirit, quench it not, leis it fpeake leffe and leffe, till it ipeake not atall : yeeld to the whilperings ofthe Spi. rit, and quench it not: deny not any requeftthe Spirit makes. Thirdly, If all that will have any intereft inChri(l, muff deny themfelves, you fee how prone our nature is to evill, elfewee needed not thisexhortation. Wee linke downe to fin, as a'ftone Both to the Center, the fleib is fill drawing and byafling us the wrong way ; therefore let us not have too good an opinion ofour felves; let us bee jealous with aholy }ea- O loafie ;