Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

z The DoEtrine o fSeife-deniall. { loufie; remember the Flefh is prone to evill' continually. But how.fliall wet know it ? I anfwerc, that it is plaine in many things. F But how fhall wee know whether the defile be from the Spirit, or from the Flefh ? Amandefiresa place, hee faith it is to doe good with it; bee de fireshonoursfor thegood ofothers. S But how fball , wee know if bec doth fo ? I anfwere , that in titefe generals no exac` lignes canbegiven, yet we will guef a at fome, whereby yee may know it. Firal, confider if it bee a turbulent delire : efires ofGraceare as natural' delires, gentle andquiet : unnatural' heate and thirfl, are tur- bulent andviolent ; fuck are the deliresof the Ì Flefh. Secondly, thedelres ofthe flefh are haf#y, when as a wife man it runs without anerrand, his wayes. The firesoftqe Spirit d doenot eaffly rife ; wee mutt take paines with our hearts for gooddelires ; fleflly delires are haf v Third- ly , know it by the fatisfaáion you give it : doth fatisfaí` ionofyour delire, make you more heavenly minded; itis right r but loth it make you earthly minded ,and indifpo- fed to holy durirs . then the delre isfrom the flefh. Fourth-