Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoctrine ofSelfe-deniall. 303 Fourthly, know it by the contrary; h the dutiesofPrayer and the like doe weaken the delire, then it is Carnali; but if they ftren5. then it, fothatyou goe on with boldnefl'e and fecurity, it comes from the Spirit. Fifthly, know ifthere be fornefelfe-ref e& that doth carryyou, fo farreyee goeand no farther: thatrefpeT being takenaway,ye end. Doeyou it in ferret and conflantly; even then whenyeare fequeftred from all other rcfpet s, and have nothingelfe but Gods glory to flirre you up to doe it ? Ifthe heart be iuft, wee doe it when wehave noother end init. . Are yee angry withyour felves, when yeneglect Gods butineffe ? Areye angrywith a Some, becaufe he negleâs Gods ar is it becaufe ofhis loofe- neffeand difi`uluteraeffe ; becaufe hee takes ill courtes, andwould waff,eyour elates ? Many menare zealous for firmes againf} themfelves, for finnes that preiudicethemfelves As Mi nifters are angry with fuchas rob the Church) and have Impropriations, and fometilnes de- fervedlytoo; but when the Pulpit rings of nothingbut this, it is a ligne that it is onely out of SeIfe-refpet. So the people cry out ofthe MinitlersCovetoufncffé, but it is out of felfe- refpea, becaufe they are loath to give them that which is their due. john was zealous tor Clod; butit was with an eyeand refpeÓ to the Kingdore. SoMafia, 7.I4. The people fatted and affernbled the felyes together, but it witsbrit for 0 2 Lorne 4