Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

2 (14 TheDoEtrineofSefe.denialh. Cornnail Wine : take awayourrefpeets, wee are cold; thefe are defiresthat should be de nied. Vfe.4, Fourthly, ifall that have intereft in Chrift mutt deny thernfelves; then try whether you have intereft in Chri f or no : areye willing to deny the fleth ? Areyewilling toundergoe the croffe ? Tocrucife the flea' for. Chrift ? Elfe ye ate not inhim. He muff deny himfelfe that is in Chrif : all are ready to fay, that they de- ny themfelves, when. as it is fpoken in gene. rail ; but if yee will know whether you deny your felvcs or no , confider but thrçe three things. Firft, are ye willing tote. informed ? Will ye try and fift thingto the bran r Try ye if the thing be lawfull which yee defire ? Ifyee flop youreyes and cares , andwill not examine it, youdoe not denyyour felves;, it is all. one-te flop the light, as tohave it and not to follow it : Isthere nota fecret light within you, that tels you,this andthis is a firme? doth your.con- fciencewhifper within you ? ifit doth,ye deny not your (elves, except yee defire tobe infor- med. NNm.a 2.2o. Balsam wouldnotgoeupon soy tearmes to turfe ifrael, at thefirs` andlima re- gnet; he had a fecret light withinhim thattold him.that hec fhould not goe, though Godbade him goe;but yet Godwho knowes thewaies of the flea: andSpirit, faw that hee lingred after. Balackswages; and therefore he bids him g e,