Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoarine ofSelfe-deniall. o and he went: bee did not fatisfie his co9nfci- 'ence. SoSAv L caried it, fairçly, when as he 'offered Sacrifice before S A M y:P L came; fo bee did when he feared A G A G and theheti things ; pretending a Sacrifice to be made with them : yet his eonfcience told him that it was a finne, he did notfatisfic it Examine things to the full , elff yee deny not your felves. Wee preach to you , that you Inuit doe thus and thus; peradventure yee deceiveyour (elves and reafonagainfl ir, yet your Confcienccs are convinced. 2 Corinrth.4, 2. Wee stake to your Confcience,,, andapprove our f t' es to them ; we preach not co the wits and humoursofmen, tut to their in the fight of,GOP and met thelight : loh: 3. 12. Hathat dab trait / có meth to the light,that his deeds may bemodemanifefi, that they are wrought ofc,O D, Igoe yee choofe the light, without feeking any cifiinaions, or evafìons-, lf a man feeke evafions,it is a ligne bee is not ofthe truth. Hee that loves the truth, is ofth light: approvesthings that are excellent ; he is vv;iling Phi!, I-K10. toholdup his atlions to theSurine, as onedo,h a veffell, to fee ii therebe ever a flaw in it Yee may call fan&ifyiug the Sabbath, iudaifnic; yee may call firilneffe of life, :Hy ocr fìe and Precifenet%; Zeale, indifcretion, But what fayyourconfcicnc s of them If that Which wedoe bee but hypoerifie why doe younot it in reality ? ®3 Yca