2,o6 TheWhine ofSelfeadeniall. 3 Yea, but you are more aria than the rule. Why, then try whether it bre íb or no, take not the word upon truft. i cerintb.3.5. Wee are the Minifers by whomyee heheve, and net what yee beleeve : If yee are not willing to featch what the good will of G o n is, yee deny not your felves. in thofe things that are inqueRion, fee that you fatis fie your Confci- ences and that light which is within. Ifthere bee a quetlion about fanaifyîng of the Sab. bath, and gayning ; doe as your Confciences bidyou, fee iftherebe not a reluetancy with- in. Secondly, confider what yee doe incafe of a iltong affetiion, in a flrong temptation, in a particular humour; it is not what aman doth in coole blood, but what doe you-when as opportunity andflrongafetionsmeete. I-lee is a good F clot , that fhewes himfelfe fo in a florme ; hee is a good Soldier, that fllewes himfelte fo in abreach ; fee if you doe as A- E RAH AM) hee denyed himfelfc in his Son : It is Selfeedeniall,when as a man renounceth him- felfe and his flefh, when as theyaske him vi- olently and importunately. Willyou omit no duty though it cofl you txauch ; ASD A N I E L wouldnot leave o ffPraier,thotsih itJhoaldcell him hit life,Darn.6. act: wil ye not commit any finne, though yougaine never fo much by it; as B A- L A A M did, and as thofe that have the perfons of men in admiration, becaufe of advantage,