TheMarineofSelfe-denial will favehis credit and pleafure, (hall lofe it 5 the more yec deny your felves, andpart with thefe things, themore'yee (hall have, Even an hundred for one in this life, and inthe world to come lift everlafling,Mark. t o.3 o. Yee (hall bee gainers by it. Yea,but we feethe contrary, the Saintsare imprifoned, andperfccuted, they have many crofTes and lofíes. It is true,and therefore the Text faith ; That theyjiall havea hundredfold with Perjeeution; that is, God will multiply comforts to them with Perfecution : One may have more com fort ina Prifon, than others have in a Palace. Comfort con fills not in thebulkeofoutward things. Davidwas wife to takeoportupity when as bee had any thing todoe for God.. though it werecofily,yet hedid it : heebought his Oxen that he offered, he wouldnot offer that to God, which colthim nothing : 2 Sam, 24.240 The water that colt mens lives,thar which hee tliirtled fo much for, hee powred out as an ob- lation to God, and wouldnot drinke of it : for heknew that whatfoever it roll him, hee (Mouldbe a gainer by it Atri._5.4 r, The 4poflles being whipped, went away rejoycing : None re- joycebut fuck as thinkethey aregainers by it. pawljaccompted it a great favour, toPuf- fer for Chril : So the Apofile, lam. i.2 bids ass count it exceeding much joy, when at wee allinto divers tribulations : and dames, i 12.1 Blefd 2 0